Work With Me
Who I Support
Eating Disorders
Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Otherwise Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED)
Sublinical Disordered Eating
Chronic Dieting
Body Image Struggles
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Diabetes (Type II)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Malnutrition in Chronic Disease
Preoperative and Postoperative Nutrition (Surgical)
A thoughtful note on eating disorders:
As an outpatient dietitian, it is also my job to have an open and honest discussion with all of my clients regarding the nature of outpatient nutrition counseling in eating disorder recovery, appropriateness of level of care, and whether or not the level of support I can offer is most helpful for where you are at in your recovery process. Eating disorder recovery is personal, individualized and does not look the same for everyone! Getting you optimal support is my number one priority, so it’ll be important for us to get a lay of the land and align ourselves on the same page.
What Will Working Together Look Like?
I figured you might be curious about this! If I could come up with some words that sum up what our time together will look like, here’s what comes to mind:
Acceptance and Non-Judgment:
I heard this quote once: “When people experience being accepted, they are freed to change.” I also like to say, that when people experience being accepted they are also freed to accept themselves, their bodies and if they choose to, stay the same! I aim to create a safe, non-judgmental space for all of my clients. People face enough scrutiny and judgment in the world, especially among the health and wellness community, so I find it super important to emulate acceptance and a judgment free zone!
I believe, together is better. While I might have expertise in eating disorder treatment, intuitive eating and nutrition science, you are the expert on you and your body. Only you have access to your thoughts, feelings, body cues and unique lived experience. I take the position of your tour guide in this relationship: you in the driver’s seat, me in the passenger’s seat.
Trial and Error
AKA “giving it a go”, “experimenting”, “trying it on”. All eating experiences are welcome here and are seen as opportunities to invite curiosity into the room. Mistakes are great! How else would we learn? There is no exactness in intuitive eating and nutrition and one thing we will work on together is moving away from black and white thinking and finding grey space with more flexible and compassionate ways to relate to food, exercise and those tough body moments.
I like to help my clients shift from linear, goal-oriented thinking towards process, step-oriented thinking. Linear thinking tends to be what dieting looks like: you follow one specific plan that allows for no deviation, and with one false move (bite of a “bad” food) you’ve “failed”. Approaching behavior change with process-oriented thinking allows us to accept the ups and downs and that there is contradiction and imperfection in being a human, so that we can learn along the way and maintain a forward momentum.
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What My Clients Say
“I originally reached out to Alanna because of elevated blood sugar and high cholesterol, and as of my recent blood work all of my levels have improved! Eating intuitively has changed my life and I couldn’t be happier. It feels so good to no longer obsess over food, and to eat a variety and range of foods. I’m still working on body image but that’s improving each day.”
“Working with you changed my life. I never thought I would feel happy about my relationship with food, or that I would enjoy treats without guilt, or honor my hunger without reservation. For the first time ever, I am in charge and I am enjoying eating for the amazing, nourishing and satisfying experience that it is. I have not binged in over 6 months and it’s been incredible!”